10 Legit Ways to Get Unlimited Free Unique Articles For Blog

If you are looking for free unique articles for your website then you are at the right place.

Starting a blog is very easy, but writing daily high-quality content and managing your publishing schedule is not that easy. And Writing a piece of content daily is really a pain in the ass.

But, if you want to become successful in your blogging career then you have to upload content daily. I really feel your pain in this situation.

So friends, Here I have compiled the best resources like websites, tools, and platforms where you can get free unique articles daily for your blog.

But before starting, we must know about free content. So let’s understand some points.

What does Free Content Means?

Free content means the content which is available for your blog totally free of cost and without getting any copyright claim. It can be in any format like text, image, audio, and video. 

Only you have to invest your time to use it and get better results.

When and where to use Free Unique Articles?

This is the most important question. And You should not move further without knowing the answer. If you really want to use free articles in a legit way.

The Very simple answer is, You should only use free articles for your Tier 3 Pages. 

Let me explain. There are mainly 3 types of pages in your blog or website, Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3

  • Tier 1- Pages are basically all your landing pages or money pages that convert, get high traffic, and rank for your targeted keywords.
  • Tier 2- pages direct their own traffic to your linked money pages or landing pages which are interlinked to tier 2 pages.
  • Tier 3- pages are the least viewed pages on your blog which are linked with tier 2 and tier 1 pages and direct their own traffic to them. They get fewer views but they are more in number. 

So I just want to say that if you want to build authority and earn money then you have to invest your time and money in content writing, research, and so on. You can’t compete with your competitor by just using free content. 

Free content is only for some short pages which give updates about tools, algorithms, notifications, new launches, features, supporting pages, social shares, and so on. It is not a full website. And it doesn’t have any quality so it is impossible to rank.

I hope you understand what I want to say.

So let’s start and explore the resources of Free content.

Copyright-free Content Sites for Free Unique Articles 

These are basically free content directories where you can get free articles for reuse or copy as it is. 

Note:- Before using these articles always spin or rewrite this free content. Because these are directories and many people can access and use the same article. So that to avoid duplicate or plagiarized content issues, you should always Spin this content. Below I have suggested some best Free Article Spinners so just keep reading.

1. eArticlesOnline

It is basically an online free article platform or can say a Repository where so many writers publish free content in many categories. So if you are looking for free content just access your categories and grab them and provide credit to the writer.

2. EzineArticles

It is also a directory where you can get free articles that are published by many experienced writers. Just use any article by accessing your category and don’t forget to spin these articles and provide credit always.

3. Articles.org

Same as the above two websites. The best part of this website is that it has articles in many languages. 


This website also has plenty of articles that you can directly copy or paste these articles on your blog. But you can only do that by their given script. And the best part is, it also has articles in many languages. 

Unique Way to Get Free Blog Content

5. Reuse Expired Content

The method is very simple. Just first get the list of expired domains. You can access the list on the Godaddy auction page or Expireddomains.net. Just search by writing your keywords and you will get the domains list. 

Then just go to the web archive website and paste that domain there and search. It will give you the history of that domain before it expired. Mainly it will give you the content snapshot. Then simply copy-paste those articles and then Spin it or rewrite those free articles and then publish it on your blog. Before Publishing doesn’t forget to check its plagiarism.

6. Repurpose Multimedia Content into Text form.

This is also an old technique to get free articles for your website. So let me explain the process.

You have to access the youtube videos which have captions enabled. You can also use podcasts. Then copy the captions. When you copy it will copy with timestamps also. So you have to remove those timestamps and convert them into simple paragraphs. You can get so many online timestamps. Just paste your copied captions there and convert. Then copy and paste it into your Word documents.

Now first check it for plagiarism online and then structure it by breaking in headings and subheadings. Now use your images and publish them. Your free article is ready.

This is the simple process of repurposing multimedia content.

Free Article Spinner/ Rewriter tools

7. Free Article Spinner

This is a free tool that can rewrite any article. In this tool, you can spin a simple paragraph or full article. But you have to invest your time to edit it because the end result is not that appropriate. But at least it will save you some time. With free tools, you can’t get everything perfect.

8. Article Rewriter

This tool is at the top of my list. I always use this tool. Because it spins your content and also gives suggestions on each word. So that you only have to take a look and change all words according to your needs. And it results in highlights which look very comfortable to edit. So without any cost, it produces much better results than other tools.

 There are other tools also available on Google. You can just search and use those and compare by yourself which one gives better results.

Free Online Article Generator Tools

9. WriteSonic

This is a free online content generator tool that gives you free articles in just simple 3 clicks. You don’t have to pay any price. It works on free credits which you can get by sharing it on other platforms on which it recommends.

To generate free articles, just signup first, then verify your email. You will get its dashboard. Now create a new project, write your keyword and description it will suggest some titles based on your keywords, select one of them and then on the next step it will suggest some article format, select one of them too and click on generate. It will write a fresh new article for you.

Here your work is to make it SEO friendly by adding your keywords and also add some extra points that you feel are suitable and then check plagiarism and then upload it.

Again I am telling you, You will not get quality in these types of articles. You have to invest time to improve its quality by yourself. If you want to get rank on Google and drive traffic.

10. Articoolo

Articoolo is also based on credit use, which means pay peruse. You have to pay credits for generating unique articles. 

In the same process, you have to sign up with a free account and it will give you some free credits. After that, you can use those credits to generate free articles but the article length is only 500 words.

So this is also a type of free tool for free articles.

You can only get perfect results if you use a paid tool or pay a price. Then you can get some quality in your generated free articles. Free tools only give you free articles but it never guarantees you quality. 

There are so many paid tools out there on Google that you can try out to get better results.


In this article, I gave you an idea about how you can get free unique articles for your blog and also tell you about some free resources and tell you some legit techniques to get free articles.

When you use those articles then just be careful and use them only for tier 3 pages. Because it is not going to rank or compete, so use it when you actually need to. 

Otherwise, the best suggestion from my side is, to invest your time and money to produce high-quality content and build your own brand and business. So that you can earn and get successful in your blogging career.

I hope You understand the message which I want to give you. 

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