5+ Best Plugins to Speed Up WordPress Websites

The speed of WordPress sites really matters because there is a direct correlation between bounce rate and website speed. If a website took a long time to load then clicked person will hit back and choose the second result. But before installing any sort of plugin make sure you know what want!

In the market place there is plenty of tools for website speed test are:

gtmetric, web page test, Google page speed, Load impact.

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in existence. It is used frequently by businesses to create and maintain websites offering information, and services. As per research by Kinsta, 40% of websites on the internet are built using WordPress. This is quite significant, compared to competitors like Wix (1.6%) and Joomla’s (2.6%) global website shares respectively.

This article delves into how WordPress users can accelerate their websites by leveraging speed optimization plugins in WordPress

Recommended to follow their suggestions and for instance, on my blog case are browser caching, defer parsing of JavaScript and minimize redirect and use plugin according to WordPress site need.

Browser caching: it’s for repeated visitors by using a caching plugin you can reduce load time for users. Defer parsing of JavaScript: it’s meant telling the browser to render the JavaScript file after loading the main content.

Minimize redirect: it’s happening mostly when using ad networks like Google Adsense or having a large number of redirecting web pages.

Increase WordPress website speed by optimizing the WP plugin

Table of Contents

  1. W3 – Total Cache for effective caching
  2. WP Super Minify for compressing HTML, CSS, and Javascript files
  3. WP Smush for optimizing images
  4. Incorporating Lazy Load using Lazy Load by WP Rocket
  5. Optimizing WordPress Database using WP-Optimize
  6. Hummingbird
  7. PageSpeed Ninja
  8. Speed up

1. W3 – Total Cache for effective caching

W-3 Total Cache is a highly preferred plugin among website developers and the WordPress community. This advanced plugin enhances website performance by reducing page load times considerably via leveraging CDN integration. It also results in improved SEO and user experience. Because of its benefits, this free-to-use plugin is trusted by millions of publishers globally.

The WordPress speed optimization plugin provides the following benefits:

  • Improved page rankings in search engines particularly for mobile-friendly websites
  • Faster rendering of pages leads to at least 10x improvement in overall site performance
  • Bandwidth savings of up to 80%
  • Increased visitor time on site – leading to more conversions

2. WP Super Minify

It is obvious that files with compact sizes will load faster. WP Super Minify helps to speed up page loading by combining, minifying and caching the HTML, inline CSS, and JavaScript files. Installing this plugin is very simple.

Just download the plugin, upload it in the directory file, and activate it through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

3. WP Smush for optimizing images

Smush is one of the most popular and powerful image optimization plugins with over 1+ million installations.

It’s developed by Wpmu dev and when these people make plugins it means quality and can integrate along with other tools and also those not belonging to them.

It can compress images with lossless compression which no blurry or ugly images, lazy loading, and showed them in web image format.


  1. Fast identify images that slow down your website with incorrect size detection.
  2. Check out Smush statics on the Gutenberg integration block.
  3. Multi-site support and no weekly or monthly limit of image compression.
  4. Compress images even are not in the media process, process every image format, and convert them into Webp.

4. WP Rocket

The natural behavior of a website includes loading the entire content of a page automatically when a user visits the site for the first time. In case the webpage has long-form content with multiple images, naturally, the loading time is going to be slower.

An effective way to tackle this issue is to use Lazy loading. It’s a technique that loads only the images within the first fold of a visitor’s browser window. Doing this ensures that the page doesn’t load the content all at once. For example, if a web page has ten images listed only the first few will be loaded initially and the rest will be loaded as the user scrolls down.

5. WP-Optimize

This WordPress speed-up plugin suitable for that WordPress site didn’t require compression or minify of JavaScript and CSS file and the rest of things able do WP optimize.

It’s capable of image compression, full page caching, and cleaning your database.


  1. WordPress databases know to store everything even those things didn’t require your website can be cleaned.
  2. Save storage of de-fragment my SQL table with one click.
  3. Automatically backup database with updraft plus plugin and weekly cleaning.
  4. Image compression of up to 64 MB or much higher with automatic bulk compression.
  5. Restore the original function which can revert to back on original form when something goes wrong.

6. Hummingbird

It optimizes your WordPress site and makes it faster than ever before. Hummingbird is capable of caching, minifying js and CSS files, defer parsing of JavaScript and CSS, and lazy load integration for comment.

images which are considered as the harvest of any kind of website. Hummingbird has to offer a smush plugin by them that going cover later.

By chance using any cache plugin or CDN (content delivery network) like Cloudflare then still comfortable along with.


  1. Hummingbird can scan your WordPress site, suggest why it’s loading slowly, and in one click optimize the website.
  2. Claimed world-class caching suite for a complete website.
  3. Cloudflare integration to control cache settings but to the active need API key.
  4. It works with woo-commerce and marketplace and suggested following woo-commerce recommendations for cache settings.

7. PageSpeed Ninja

Ultimate WordPress speed-up plugin because page speed ninja does everything you need and improves Google page speed score with one click.

Before making up your mind visit page speed ninja then test your WordPress site for comparability because 4 out of 5 website speed improves due to theme and plugin issues.


  1. It combines inlines JavaScript and CSS for fast rendering by the browser.
  2. Compress or minify JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files.
  3. Allow Gzip compression and defer loading of JavaScript and CSS.
  4. Leverage server caching and browser caching.
  5. Compress image at the optimum size and defer image with lazy load optimization.’

8. Speed Up

Speed up the worth to mention lightweight plugin of 10kb only (far less than a standard image size) and meant for leverage browser caching at cost of nothing that made to almost every caching plugin list Posta and 15k+ installation.

To use this plugin is just need to install it and the rest do automatically. Speed up plugin and smush plugin combo would improve speed by over 50 % on any WordPress site.

Tags :

  • increase website speed WordPress plugin free
  • WordPress speed optimization plugin
  • best cache plugin for WordPress
  • best speed optimization plugin WordPress
  • best free caching plugin for WordPress
  • WordPress speed optimization without plugin

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