Add Countdown Timer Before Displaying the Download Button Link

Add Countdown Timer:- Friends, as you have seen on many websites, there is a timer before the download button,

like 15 seconds and 20 seconds and more,

so today I will tell you step by step how to Add a Countdown Timer Before Displaying the Download Button Link.

Why Many Websites Add a Countdown timer to their post

As you may have seen on the download pages of many games and software websites such as Rapid-share and others,

When the page loads, a 10 or 15-second timer automatically starts.

Then after the time runs out, people see a download button to click on the link and start their download.

The only reason to add a timer to the download button is that you can place ads above and below the download button and timer.

So that whenever someone clicks on the download button there is a possibility of getting more clicks on your ads.

It is not necessary that the timer be used only for advertisements. By installing the timer,

the website also looks a bit more professional, which is why people add timers to the download button in their website.

How can we add a timer to our website?

Adding a timer button to your website is very simple, for that you should have a timer script first.

The script is very small, so if you also want to download that script, then you can download that script from the download button given below.

First, you will get a 15-second timer, then the download button will come and then you can download that script.

As an example, I have also put a timer and a button so that you all know that You can also put a similar timer and button on your website. Please Wait 15 second

Click here to Download the Timer Script

After downloading the script, how to add that script to your website and how to add the timer,

Just follow the simple steps given below.

Step 1: – First of all you have to log in to your WordPress and install the Shortcode Ultimate plugin.

Step 2:- After installing the plugin you have to go to the posts and click on Add New Post. When you click on Add New Post, after that you will see a new feature of Insert Shortcode.

Step 3:- First of all, you have to add a download button wherever you want to add the button. so now click on Insert shortcode.

Step 4:- As soon as you click on Insert Shortcode, many options will open in front of you.

Step 5:- So you can find the download option and click on it.

Step 6:- On clicking the button, a form-type page will open in front of you, and first you have to give the link that you want to put on the download button.

Step 7:- Scroll down and choose your button color, size, and text color.

Step 8:- Then if you want the download button will show in the center of the post click yes on the centered option.

Step 9:- Type your button name like click here to download, download here, etc.

Step 10:- And then Click on live preview and see your button preview.

Step 11:– And if all things are right click on insert shortcode.

Step 12:- The download button Shortcode will be added to your post as soon as you click on Insert Shortcode.

Step 13:- If you want to see your post live preview then click preview and check download button works properly or not.

Now add or Upload the Countdown timer Script

Step 14:- After adding the download button you need to upload the timer script in your file manager.
so go to your C panel and click on the file manager.

Step 15:- And then find public_html and then click on it.

Step 16:- Then find wpcontent and then click on it.

Step 17:- Find themes and then click on them.

Step 18:- Then click your theme like ocean-wp, twenty-twenty, twenty-nineteen, etc.

Step 19:- Then find footer.php right-click on it and then click edit.

Step 20:- After clicking edit, you need to scroll and go to the bottom of the page and find this

(<php? wp_footer(); ?>) code.

Step 21:- And then copy your timer script and paste it under the

<php? wp_footer(); ?>

Step 22:- After pasting the script copy the element ID “download”

Step 23:- Go back to your post and paste the element ID in this format
url id=” download”

Step 24:- And then again preview your post and your timer is set successfully.

So even if you have to add your download button in your next post, you do not need to upload the script again and again. You have to paste the Element ID code with the download button shortcode and your timer will be added.

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