Differentiate between Single DNA multipass compiler.

Differences Between a Single Pass and Multiphases

s. no.Single Pass CompilerMultiphases Complier
1.In a single-pass compiler, all the phases of compiler design are grouped in one pass.In a multipass compiler, the different phases of a compiler design are grouped into multiple passes
2.It is a taster.It is slower.
3.It consumes more space.It consumes less space.
4.Fewer overheads are involved.More overheads are involved.
5.No need to keep track of several intermediate files as an intermediate file is written only once.It involved unnecessary reading and writing of several intermediate files, as intermediate files are updated after each pass.
6.Suitable for computers with large random access memory.Suitable for computers with small memory.
7.It imposes certain restrictions on the program.It does not impose any kind of restrictions on the program.
8.The components of a one-pass compiler are very closely interrelated.The components of a multipass compiler are not closely related.
9.The operation that cannot be performed due to the lack of information cannot be deferred as there is only a single pass.The operations that cannot be performed due to the lack of information can differ from the next pass of the compiler when the text has been traversed and the needed information made available.
10.A single-pass may not allow for better provision of code optimization, error reporting, and error handling.A multipass compiler may allow for better provision of code optimization, error reporting, and error handling.

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