How do I undo the most recent local commits in Git?

To undo the most recent local commits in Git, you can use the git reset command. This command allows you to move the current branch pointer to a previous commit and discard any commits that come after it.

Here’s an example of how you can use git reset to undo the most recent local commit:

Use the git log command to find the commit hash of the commit you want to undo. The commit hash is a unique identifier for each commit in the repository.

Run the git reset command with the commit hash of the commit you want to undo. For example:

git reset abc123

If you want to completely discard the changes made in the commit, use the –hard option:

git reset --hard abc123

This will move the current branch pointer to the commit with the hash abc123, discarding any commits that come after it. It will also discard any changes made in those commits, so be sure to use this option with caution.

If you want to keep the changes made in the commit but just remove them from the current branch, you can use the –mixed option instead of –hard. This will remove the commits from the current branch but leave the changes in the working directory so you can commit them again in a new commit.

It’s worth noting that git reset is a powerful command that can have unintended consequences if used improperly. It’s a good idea to make sure you have a backup of your repository before using this command.

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