Nrega Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) App Download | nmms app 3.1.0 Download

The National Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) is a mobile app developed by the Government of India to improve the transparency and accountability of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). The app allows for real-time attendance (nrega attendance app) tracking of workers at worksites, along with geotagged photographs. This helps to ensure that workers are present at work and that they are not being paid for work they have not done.

Nrega NMMS App

The NMMS app also allows for the tracking of work progress and the generation of reports. This information can be used by government officials, civil society organizations, and citizens to monitor the implementation of the MGNREGS and ensure that it is being used effectively.

The NMMS app is available for download on Android and iOS devices. It is free to use and does not require any prior registration.

NREGA Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS)

(Release Note on Version 3.1.0 to be released on 10 December-2024) NMMS Mobile App version 3.1.0 (updated date: 10 December-2024) is now available on Google’s ‘Play Store’. This App is compliant with all the Android versions 9.0 and above.

A. New Features Covered

  1. OTP-based validation is being used when an ID is created in MIS and then it will check only
    one time during the first time login after installation of the app.
  2. Now User is able to see the list of issued muster rolls downloaded in the app using ‘View
    Downloaded Musterroll’.
  3. There is an option ‘View Uploaded Attendance’ within the app to see the workers’
    attendance details are taken and uploaded to date in the panchayat for the last month (by
    checking online).
  4. There is an option to edit/update the attendance until the time it has been uploaded.
  5. The app has a provision to create a PDF of the attendance captured in the app as proof to submit to the block in case they are unable to upload due to technical reasons.

B. Enhancement Done

  1. The feature of using ‘View Downloaded Musterroll’ has been provided under the ‘Download Master Data section. The user is now able to see which muster rolls were downloaded in the
  2. The feature of ‘View Uploaded Attendance’ has been provided in the home tab. Users will be able to view all the attendance uploaded in the panchayat for the last 1 month.
  3. The feature of ‘Edit Muster roll Attendance’ has been provided under ‘Capture Attendance’
    section. Now attendance can be edited till it has been uploaded on the same day.
  4. Two-factor authentication using password and OTP as authenticating factors. OTP will be
    shared on the registered mobile number.
  5. Feature of ‘Generate PDF’ to download Attendance taken as PDF has been provided at
    ‘Upload Attendance’ option.
  6. Provision for downloading muster rolls and retaining them for the period they are active.
  7. If User comes to know more musters have been created, they can explicitly download
    additional muster rolls.
  8. If the ‘Download muster roll button is pressed again the attendance taken for muster rolls
    will not be reset/replaced.
  9. Once the Muster period has expired, the App will delete those muster rolls along with
    attendance for the muster rolls for which attendance was taken but not uploaded.
  10. Every error is now displayed with a proper user-friendly message.
  11. Download and Uploads have progress bars so users can see the progress of Downloading/uploading of data.
  12. App Version, Date, and Time are now displayed on all screens.

NREGA Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) App Download (nmms app 3.1.0 download)

The NREGA Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) is a mobile app developed by the Government of India to improve the transparency and accountability of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). The app allows for real-time attendance tracking of workers at worksites, along with geotagged photographs. This helps to ensure that workers are present at work and that they are not being paid for work they have not done.

Negra Mobile Monitoring System – NMMS App Download 3.1.0

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NMMS Negra App Download 3.1.3

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Nmms App Play Store Download Link

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Here are some of the features of the NMMS app:

  • Real-time attendance tracking of workers
  • Geotagged photographs of workers at worksites
  • Tracking of work progress
  • Generation of reports
  • Notification of worksite updates
  • Feedback mechanism

The NMMS app is a valuable tool for improving the transparency and accountability of the MGNREGS. It can help to ensure that workers are getting the benefits they are entitled to and that the scheme is being used effectively.

If you are a worker, a government official, or a civil society organization, I encourage you to download the NMMS app and use it to monitor the implementation of the MGNREGS. Together, we can make sure that this important scheme is working for the benefit of all Indians.

Here are some of the benefits of using the NMMS app:

  • Increased transparency and accountability of the MGNREGS
  • Improved efficiency of the scheme
  • Reduced corruption
  • Increased participation of citizens in the scheme
  • Better targeting of benefits to the poor and vulnerable
  • nmms app mgnrega download
  • nrega mobile monitoring system app
  • mgnrega nmms app download

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